Chivalry 2 cross platform party
Chivalry 2 cross platform party


These attacks should now feel less restrictive and easier to land.


  • Adjusted Stab/Overhead turn caps to between patch 1 and CU1 values.
  • Slice and dice with this new fast-paced stabbing weapon! Equipable on the Footman. The option to enable this feature is in the video options.
  • NVIDIA DLSS support added for RTX graphic cards.
  • Parties need to be formed while on the main menu


  • Console – inviting a player to your party from in-game is now disabled, matching PC standards.
  • Fixed a case where console parties could fail to migrate with the rest of the server into a new map.
  • Fixed an issue with parties failing to migrate together if the finished match had less than 12 players.
  • PlayStation – Accepting an invite from another player while queueing now properly updates the party widget.
  • Fixed a case where parties would fail to migrate to a new match after finishing a match and would be instead sent back to the main menu.
  • When searching for a game as a party, the party members latency no longer attributes to the match (only the party leaders does) which should decrease the time it takes to find a match.
  • Friends and party members are now always placed on the same team at the start of a game.
  • Fixed a case where an entire party would not be successfully matched into the same game.
  • Rejoining the same server no longer has a chance to kick you.
  • When joining a server while backfill is in progress players will not longer be removed from the server.
  • chivalry 2 cross platform party

  • Fixed an issue with matchmaking failing if crossplay is disabled on 64p and FFA queues.
  • Fixed disabling crossplay causing matchmaking problems for all crossplay users.
  • When a game is started by users that do not have crossplay enabled, it will only allow non-crossplay users to rejoin that match and prevent crossplay users from joining it.
  • Votekick values have been changed to the following values:.
  • Closed gates for Agatha spawns on Falmire.
  • Match no longer ends in a draw if one team has more kills than the other but has one remaining player alive.
  • When a timeout occurs the UI now reads as “Draw” instead of “Round Lost/Won”.
  • Idle kick timer is now working as intended.
  • New arena mode match start countdown voice over.
  • Added more audio fanfare between Arena mode rounds.
  • Both players will no longer end up on the same team in 1v1.
  • Fleshwound overlays are now removed between rounds.
  • Fixed cancelling search before a game starts causing game to start unbalanced.
  • Fixed arena games failing to backfill and starting with only 2 players on a team.
  • Added audio stingers behind the Countdown and Fight! voiceovers.
  • chivalry 2 cross platform party

  • Ending summary screen adjustments to show the rounds won per team and the player list.
  • Fixed Announcer VO for time remaining playing after match ends.
  • Special items are now disabled in this mode and Duel mode.
  • Fixed countdown audio being half a second off time.
  • chivalry 2 cross platform party

    Warm up timer now gets skipped when enough players are present.Maps: Lionspire Great Hall and Rudhelm Feast.Embrace chaos and duke it out with your fists, or whatever you can grab – in the Great Hall or Rudhelm Feast maps – with up to 40 players!

    Chivalry 2 cross platform party