War thunder login
War thunder login


Then select Check Files and the process should begin. The button is found next to the graphics settings and you need to click on the small gear icon.

war thunder login

This verifies the integrity of all of the game files and a simple button triggers this process. Many users have also reported being able to fix this problem by using the file check option in the game.


Work your way through all of these settings and also try to do a bit of trial and error of your own and this should help you fix War Thunder Lag for good. Users have also reported that their issue was resolved by turning on Vsync in the graphics settings with the mode being switched to Windowed. Other than that, you can also try changing to DirectX 9 mode to see if it helps you with the problem. Users have also reported being able to solve War Thunder Lag by switching the game’s graphics renderer to OpenGL. You can start by lowering some or all of the graphics settings and check if your problem is resolved. A screenshot of the in-game graphics settings can be found below: Try lowering and changing some of the game’s graphics settings to see if it helps you fix this issue. If upgrading your computer is not an option right now then you can try something else.


You should make sure that you meet the above-mentioned system requirements and upgrade your system if you do not as this is the very first step that you should take when you are trying to fix War Thunder Lag for good. The official requirements can be found below: The first step to take when trying to fix War Thunder lag is to make sure that your computer meets the official recommended system requirements for the game. With that said, let us have a look at some of the best ways to fix War Thunder Lag. Playing a game like War Thunder when you have lag problems is a surreal experience to say the least. “Get better internet.” Yeah I’ll be sure to mate. I fucking love when a lag spike hits in War Thunder and you get thrusted into the ground. The article includes some of the most reliable methods to fix this issue and it is recommended that you go through all of the fixes mentioned below as this is going to help you fix War Thunder Lag for good. This article is going to provide you with a few tweaks and fixes that you can use to fix Lag in War Thunder.

war thunder login

Many people have been reporting War Thunder Lag and other similar issues on different community forums on the internet and they have been looking for a fix to their problem. War Thunder is one of the most popular war shooters out there right now but the problem of Lag, High Ping, Disconnections and other related issues have been plaguing the game’s user base. If War Thunder lag has been preventing you from playing the game in a smooth manner then fear not as today, we take a look on a few steps to solve the lag issues for good.

War thunder login